
K410-GH | Forstservice Simunovic

K410-GH | Forstservice Simunovic

The first K410-GH left us last week and started its journey to Styria to our customer Simunovic Forstservice.

What are the advantages of the K410-GH?

→ short assembly times on site
→ very high rope speed
→ constant pulling force of 4 tons
→ optional winding wind
→ ideal rope winding through pull rope output
→ Slack rope protection for all winches
→ available as 3-axle and with a 4-axle carrier vehicle

Thank you for your trust and good luck at work!



Koller GmbH
Kufsteiner Wald 26
A-6334 Schwoich bei Kufstein
T: +43 5372 63257
F: +43 5372 63257 -7


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